It Is Difficult To Have Raw Materials Transactions At High Price As Weak Price Of VN Alloy In recent years, the market demand of vanadium alloy has been sluggish, and the turnover of vanadium and vanadium nitrogen alloy is light. Some shippers intend to reduce their prices slightly due to sales difficulties. At present, the market quotation of vanadium nitrogen alloy is about 141000-143000 yuan/ton, which is difficult to be transacted. The traders only inquiry without procurement. The steel mills enter the market to inquire, and the price is about 140000yuan /ton. the manufacturers in the ferrovanadium market reduce production only to maintain the orders of old customers, and the new orders are rar. To avoid the accumulation of inventory, there are not many manufacturers purchasing V2O5 flakes in the market at present. The poor sales of alloy results in the lower willingness of manufacturers to purchase raw materials, and the reduction of non rigid purchase. A small number of buyers only intend to purchase at a price of 92000 yuan / ton. There is still no profit margin for VN alloy plants at this price. Some plants say that they will reduce production or shut down the furnace for heat preservation in the future to reduce losses.

Although alloy manufacturers and large-scale raw material factories are active in raising the price, the market competition is more fierce when the demand is reduced and the spot is hard to sell. It is difficult for manufacturers and manufacturers, and manufacturers and traders to form a unified camp when dealing with the market. Although large-scale raw material factories occupy a large market share, they are also difficult to undertake the burden in market, which will continue to damage the interests of downstream manufacturers. It is suggested that the upstream and downstream factories should follow the market, and the quotation, shipment and output control should be close to the actual situation of the market.