Limited Decline Of Vanadium Price In International Market As of last Friday, the price of ferrovanadium fell to 24.05-24.9 USD/KgV, convert into 50# ferrovanadium RMB price was 85,200-88,200 Yuan/ton. The price of European V2O5 increased to 5.35-6.25 USD/LB V2O5, convert into V2O5 98% RMB price was 81,900-95,700 Yuan/ton; the price of ferrovanadium in United States declined to 9.8-10.0 USD/LB V, convert into 50# ferrovanadium RMB price was 76,500-78,100 Yuan/ton.
Recently, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the demand in the international market is relatively poor, and the market vanadium price is contrary to that in China. However, as the European economy begins to recover gradually, domestic vanadium price is strong enough to attract imports, and the decline in the international market is expected to be limited.