Market Price Changes Little With Less Transactions After the end of bidding from steel plants, the activity of vanadium market decreased. Entering this week, the overall volatility of domestic vanadium market began to become smaller. The market price tends to be stable. The price fluctuation is small, and the trading volume is sparse. Manufacturers’ wait-and-see mentality has also begun to grow.

First of all, looking at the raw material end, the transaction price of ammonium metavanadate has not fluctuated for the time being, some manufacturers in production sell based on the current market price. The price of metallurgical grade ammonium metavanadate is 79000-80000 yuan / ton by cash with tax, and the transaction price of chemical grade is slightly higher. Retail investors of V2O5 flake are still not active to offer. Some of the quoted prices are more than 84000 yuan / ton by cash, but no transactions have been made.

The mainstream quotation of VN alloy in today’s market is 132000-133000 yuan / ton, and that of ferrovanadium is between 91000 yuan / ton and 93000 yuan / ton, both of which are acceptance price including tax. Some traders hold a bullish attitude towards the future market. They think that steel mills will stock up on the eve of the Spring Festival. In addition, the manufacturers’ firm quotation will make the price rise again.

But some alloy factories are pessimistic, said that currently the market turnover is small, and the inquiry is not active, the vanadium market may continue to remain calm and stable.