Stable Performance Of Vanadium Market In Europe As of yesterday, the price of ferrovanadium in the European market was 25.5-26.25 USD/KgV, convert into 50# ferrovanadium RMB price was 90,400-93,000 Yuan/ton, temporarily stable. The price of European V2O5 remained at 6.5-7.25 USD/LB V2O5, convert into V2O5 98% RMB price was 99,600-111,000 Yuan/ton; the price of ferrovanadium in United States was 10.50-11.15 USD/LB V, convert into 50# ferrovanadium RMB price was 82,000-87,200 Yuan/ton. Today’s exchange rate is USD: RMB = 7.0924:1.

In terms of the current European market price, the price of ferrovanadium is 8000-9000 Yuan/ton lower than that of domestic market. Although it is weak in the early stage, due to the rebound of domestic market, the export price continues to be strong, and it is expected that the later market will move forward steadily under the influence of domestic vanadium market.