The Price Growth Of Ferrovanadium In European Market Slowed Down And Remained Firm. In recent days, the domestic vanadium market is in step with the international market. Last week, the price of FEV / V2O5 in the European market rose at the same time as that in China. The domestic price rise was flat in this week, and the European market were calm. As of yesterday, the price of European ferrovanadium has risen to USD 23(↑0.05)-23.8/kg vanadium, converting to 50# ferrovanadium is about CNY 80,900-83,800(↑800)/t. The European market price for vanadium pentoxide keeps at USD 5-6.05/lb vanadium pentoxide, converting to 98% vanadium pentoxide is about CNY 76,000-92,000/t. The price of American ferrovanadium is USD 10.15-10.7/ lb, converting to 50# ferrovanadium is about CNY 78,800-83,000/t. Today’s exchange rate is USD: RMB = 7.039:1.

This rebound of European market is also affected by domestic vanadium market. Now the price trend of vanadium markets at home and abroad are similar, and the future domestic and foreign vanadium markets are focus on stable. Under the pressure of domestic steel bidding, the vanadium price gap between domestic market and European market will be further narrowed.