The Price of Vanadium Raw Material Declined Slightly This week, the mainstream transaction price of vanadium-nitrogen alloy slightly declined, and vanadium raw material price fell synchronously. The acceptance price of large V2O5 fake plants was still at CNY 120,000/t by acceptance, while the bulk tax-inclusive price was lowered to CNY 120,000 /t by cash. The offer of ammonium metavanadate varied from high to low, and the mainstream tax-inclusive price was CNY 118,000-120,000/t by cash. According to the current transaction price of vanadium-nitrogen alloy, the intentional price of ammonium metavanadate purchased by alloy factories is CNY 115,000-116,000/t, which makes the procurement a little difficult.

Vanadium price has been in a downward trend since last week. At present, large factories calculate the transaction price of vanadium-nitrogen alloy from the sales price of V2O5 flake, and also they purchase some high-priced raw materials in bulk market appropriately. The manufacturers have little profit and produce under pressure. From the overall market trend, the price of vanadium-nitrogen alloy is expected to keep at CNY 185,000-190,000/t by acceptance in next week, with little fluctuation.