The Prices of Ferrovanadium and Vanadium Pentoxide Fluctuate Up and Down in The International Market According to the data released last Friday, the price of vanadium pentoxide in the European market has risen sharply while that of ferrovanadium has fallen sharply. As of last Friday, European ferrovanadium price is USD 31-32.15(↓0.8)/kg vanadium, converting to 50# ferrovanadium is about CNY 109,500-113,500(↓2,800)/t. The European market price for vanadium pentoxide is USD 7(↑0.3)-7.5/lb vanadium pentoxide, converting to 98% vanadium pentoxide is about CNY 106,800/t(↑4,600)-CNY 114,400/t, temporarily stable. American ferrovanadium is stable at 14.65(↓0.1)-15.25(↓0.25).

Due to the large price gap between domestic and international markets, many imported V2O5 orders have been signed in the past half month. Previous domestic price rise makes V2O5 flake difficult to be purchased, so domestic traders purchase them from foreign market, resulting in a certain increase in the price of vanadium pentoxide in the international market. The demand for terminal alloys has been weak, and the domestic market has been weakening recently. Therefore, the prices of ferrovanadium and vanadium pentoxide fluctuate in the international market.