The Stock Analysis Of Vanadium Pentoxide Powder In August In September, the price of chemical V2O5 powder in September has followed the decline of the vanadium market. The price of ammonium metavanadate is low and the output of metallurgical V2O5 powder has increased. Besides the normal procurement by chemical enterprises, the purchasing quantity of metallurgical vanadium powder in the downstream has increased. In addition, affected by the price stability and the increase of market inquiries at the end of last month, the stock has decreased slightly, even if the output of V2O5 powder has increased in August compared with July.

According to the incomplete statistics of 36 vanadium pentoxide (powder) production enterprises, the stock is about 120 tons at the end of August 2019, about 25 tons less than the previous month.

Stock in Aug.(Ton)
Stock compared with Jul.(Ton)
vanadium pentoxide