The Stock Analysis of Vanadium Pentoxide Powder In April, the output of vanadium powder enterprises has dropped by about a third compared with that of march. However, despite the decline in output, the stock has not decreased much compared with that of the previous month. The main factors are as follows: 1. The transaction of downstream vanadium-nitrogen alloy is less, vanadium-nitrogen plants have purchased less powder. 2. Vanadium pentoxide flake is abundant, and the price is comparable to that of vanadium powder. Some vanadium nitrogen plants purchase vanadium from large factories. 3. Some vanadium-nitrogen plants producing vanadium powder were shut down for overhaul leading to the stock of raw materials.

According to the incomplete statistics of 36 vanadium pentoxide (powder) production enterprises, the stock is about 148 tons at the end of April 2019, only about 7 tons less than last month.

ProductSpec.Stock in March(Ton)Stock compared with March(Ton)
vanadium pentoxidePowder155↓7