The Vanadium Market Transaction Is Not Ideal Up to now, the trading situation of vanadium market is still unsatisfactory. Although the inquiries of the raw material end are active, it is also stuck due to the increase of bulk offers. At present, the raw material end of metallurgical grade ammonium metavanadate is less expensive, and most of them are from small factories in Hunan and Hubei to local VN alloy plants, and the highest price is 92,000-9,3000 yuan / ton. The transaction price of chemical grade ammonium metavanadate can reach about 95,000-96,000 yuan / ton, and the transaction price of metallurgical grade V2O5 powder is about 96,000 yuan / ton. At present, there are not many bulk products in the vanadium market, and the quotation is about 96,000 yuan / ton, which is difficult to accept by the downstream manufacturers.

In terms of spot market volume and steel plant demand, the prices of ferrovanadium and VN alloy are difficult to rise in the near future market. The strong price of the raw material leads to the strong price of the downstream alloy. In this market, it is difficult to increase the price substantially. The strong raw material price supports the overall vanadium price, but also puts the downstream under pressure for a long time.