Vanadium Consumption Analysis In January 2020 According to incomplete statistics of the website, the output of V2O5 in the vanadium market in January 2020 is about 9915 tons, including 9235 tons of flake vanadium, 680 tons of V2O5 powder, 3480 tons of ferrovanadium and 5497 tons of vanadium nitrogen alloy.

Serial numberProductConversion rateOutputConverted output
1V2O5 powder →VN1:1/1.42 —0.00
2V2O5 flake→VN1:1/1.42 —0.00
3V2O5 flake→Ferrovanadium1:1 —0.00
450#ferrovanadium→V2O5 flake1:125202520
580#ferrovanadium→V2O5 flake1.6:19601536
6VN→V2O5 flake1:1.41654977784

It can be seen from the figure that the output of FeV is 3540 tons, of which 80# FeV is about 960 tons, and the total amount converted into V2O5 flake should be about 4056 tons. The conversion from 5497 tons of vanadium nitrogen alloy to V2O5 is about 7784 tons. The consumption of vanadium by ferrovanadium and vanadium nitrogen alloy is about 11840 tons. In January, the export volume of some international market orders, plus long orders, is estimated to be about 300 tons. In January, the volume of imported vanadium products is estimated to be about 700 tons. The total market consumption is about 12140 tons, and the market gap is about 2225 tons.